Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Matching 'dots'

We ,90s kids ,must be knowing the game of filling the dots . You have to select the the proper dots route  and it will end up in a beautiful shape or else a weird one.
Never ever thought while playing that game that i would be writing that our life is nothing but just "filling the proper dots".

Every tiny or huge incident or the persons we meet in our life are nothing but dots leading towards somewhere. Unknowingly they make impacts which gives shapes to our life .

To realize this , just think for a while where you are reading this and the circumstances which has drawn you to that place . Look around the people and imagine how you met them and why you are with them .
These answers will definitely make the chain of questions and you must be in the past by now and thinking how you fill those dots to be here where you are.

"Do we choose the right dots or do we have any option to choose the dots ? "
A fair question , I think somewhere we always end up in such situations in our life where we have to decide between the two.
We see two different directions but we don't know where the horizon is. To select one of the best possible route we do all calculations and match one (one of two) dot and get started to make a shape. We have reached till here with that route and where you are at present you already  know the answer of "do we choose the right dot".

When choosing a path we must listen to our inner voice ,a voice which has no word but can  be understood by whole world, your communication with yourself , your gut feeling .
Shape of matching dots may be very different when a decision is forced on you and when you realize what your inner voice says.

Now something which is not in our control . Planned coincidences , planned by the almighty but we see them as coincidence only in our life.
A single route followed by surprises and many dots ,ending up in a beautiful shape (sometimes may not look like beautiful but we have to accept that they are ) .

So let's keep on playing this game, hear your voice to select a dot, enjoy the coincidence and see how your life is shaping up 👍.